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Butternut Box to present award for bravery at Woofstock, the COVID-era festival saved by fans

Woofstock, a music and dog-parent festival held in Dartmouth, has been saved from cancellation after a social media post brought the worries of the organisers to the attention of fresh dog food brand, Butternut Box.

Heather Nesbitt-Bayley, Managing Director behind Woofstock says: “With Covid having taken a hold on the entire events industry, and the escalating costs of holding a festival this year, we were put in a position of having to consider cancelling. Butternut Box reached out to support us having attended the event in previous years, and we were overwhelmed by their support.”

Sarah Stapely, Event Coordinator at Butternut Box, says: “After a team member brought the social media post to our attention, we knew we had to do something. We had already planned to attend the event, but after hearing such a brilliant, non-profit festival was in danger of not going ahead, we wanted to do whatever we could do to help”.

Butternut Box will be presenting The Butternut Box Bravery Award at Woofstock over the weekend, providing Hopper, the three-legged dog rescued from horrific conditions in Spain, with a free year’s subscription of their fresh dog food.