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Monthly Archives: June 2022

The best places to pick your own produce this year

The ten best places to pick your own produce are: Millets Farm, Oxfordshire Sopley Farm PYO, Dorset Kenyan Hall Farm, Cheshire Cairnie Farming, Fife Crockford Bridge, Surrey Durleighmarsh Farm, Hampshire Farmer Copleys, Yorkshire Sandringham Estate, Norfolk Cattows Farm, Leicestershire Parkside Farm, London We have also

86% of rental households feeling financial strain

Cost of living increase puts financial strain on 86% of rental households Research by London rental platform, Rentd, has revealed that rental cost increases have contributed to a strain on household finances for 86% of UK tenants, with many facing further cutbacks should their household

Meet the celebrities leading the thrift shop revolution

With 69% of consumers agreeing that sustainability is important when it comes to making a fashion purchase, it’s safe to say that the second hand clothing market is booming nowadays. However, it’s not just the modern-day shopper that loves to get their hands on a

The most iconic songs of all time, according to SCIENCE

New music is constantly being released, with some artists taking inspiration from the past and sampling sounds from old-time classics. So, why not skip tracks and listen to the most iconic songs of all time? Liberty Games has analysed every featured song from the end