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The first winter out of lockdown: how to prepare your skin

As we find ourselves verging on the first winter out of lockdown, many of us will notice that changes in the weather and our external environment will have seismic implications on our skin. Last winter the nation was asked to stay at home, meaning that our skin has had a significant break from the harsh realities of winter. Research from Uvence – a naturally based cosmetic treatment that utilises one’s own cells for skin rejuvenation – shows that 22% of Brits feel that the winter months cause them to look five years older – but what steps are Brits already taking to combat the potential impact on their skin?

Seasonal change prompts us to alter the way in which we address our skin and its needs. As we move from autumn into winter, this creates fluctuations in temperature and humidity, causing the air to become cooler and drier, which means our skin loses its moisture. High-speed winds and low temperatures can also cause the skin to become dry and sometimes irritated. It is therefore understandable that many of us will be taking pre-emptive steps to combat the impact of winter on our skin using nonsurgical cosmetic treatments, particularly as 45% of Brits think the winter weather makes their skin less able to recover from damage, Uvence cosmetics reveals.

Preventative rather than retrospective treatments are thought to be leading the way in the cosmetic arena, especially in preparation for winter. While the idea of pre-emptive treatments is often associated with preventative Botox – in which many patients typically start treatment in their 30s – the arena has diversified significantly in the last decade which has seen the birth of new and innovative treatments that are more naturally based, ranging from PRP to Uvence.

Dr Olivier Amar, leading cosmetic surgeon and CMO of Uvence, discusses how our skin concerns shift according to changing external environments:

“Seasonal change – especially when approaching the winter months – often brings an array of skin related concerns. Whether it be short-term effects such as dullness, or those that are longer-term such as signs of ageing, my patients often ask what nonsurgical treatments are available to combat the issues they experience with their skin in retrospect. Other patients take a pre-emptive approach, and act before they experience any noticeable change.

We should be taking care of our skin all year round, but giving extra care in the weeks leading up to winter is a popular and pragmatic approach. However, while pre-emptive rather than retrospective cosmetic treatments can be an effective way to maintain a refreshed appearance, too much too fast can age you. Although every patient is different – which is why I always recommend a bespoke plan – it is important to take a slow and steady approach with any cosmetic procedure.

It is important to remember that seasonal skin implications are likely to improve over time, and while it is understandable that many people will want to address their concerns using cosmetic treatments, I would advise to wait until you know this is the best option for you. There are many alternative options out there aside from cosmetic treatments, and doing your research will help you to identify what avenue is most suited.

Now, patients often look for naturally based answers to their skin concerns. Uvence is one example of a regenerative treatment, which cryogenically preserves purified extracts of a patient’s own fat tissue for reinjection in the form of a ‘biofiller’. In other words, although our bodies are naturally equipped with the resources needed to slow the ageing process, it doesn’t always have enough of them to be effective. Taking fat cells from other areas of the body, such as the stomach, and redistributing them to areas that are in need of rejuvenation therefore maximises the body’s natural ability to slow ageing.”