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Heart Research UK Healthy tip – Get moving

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by Dr Helen Flaherty, Head of Health Promotion at Heart Research UK Get moving Over the past year, it is fair to say that plenty of us have become more sedentary due to the effects of COVID-19. All

What’s in your messy drawer?

There are some unwritten rules that we all blindly follow in our homes, such as keeping all your carrier bags inside another carrier bag or putting clothes that have been lightly worn in a pile. But the junk drawer is a thing of beauty –

Sing Yourself to Better Health is back for Spring!

Sing yourself to better health this spring with FREE sessions from buzz Manchester Health & Wellbeing Service and Singing Tutor Martin! Singing is a great way to lift your mood and improve your mental wellbeing, something a lot of us could benefit from right now.

Designer Patrick Joseph Presents Fall/Winter 2021 Collection

Designer Patrick Joseph is pleased to present his prestigious limited edition Fall/Winter 2021 collection. This will be a digital presentation during London Fashion Week in partnership with Fashion Scout, will be shown on the 20th of February, 2021 at 13:45 UK. This seasons’ limited

Lantech Wins 3M 2020 Supplier of the Year Award

Lantech, a stretch wrapper and case handling equipment manufacturer, was honored with the 2020 3M Supplier of the Year Award in recognition of the company’s contribution to improving 3M’s competitiveness. This year, 3M recognized 20 suppliers supporting the U.S. and Canada, among thousands in its