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National Storytelling Week: Language expert reveals best five ways to use storytelling to help children learn a second language

As the world celebrates National Storytelling Week, a celebration of the art of storytelling and the power of stories to connect, entertain, and inspire, many parents will be wondering how best to connect with their children, especially when it comes to using books to help develop languages.

The language experts at Preply are highlighting the importance of using storytelling to help aid language learning, with fictional books proving to be a great tool when it comes to learning a second language.

“Reading to your child is not only a delightful bonding activity but also an extremely powerful tool when they are learning a new language. It serves as a gateway to linguistic skills, offering a unique blend of language exposure, vocabulary enrichment, and cultural context.

“When you read to your child in a new language, you provide them with the opportunity to hear the language, helping them grasp pronunciation. Exposure to diverse vocabulary in context also enhances their language learning, allowing them to absorb new words and phrases without it being in a classroom environment.”

Top tips for reading to your child in new languages

Choose Age-Appropriate Books

Select books that are suitable for your child’s age but also their language level. Look for engaging stories with vibrant illustrations to capture their interest, and pictures can also help them associate meanings with words.

Start with Simple Stories

Begin with simple stories and gradually progress to more complex ones as your child becomes more familiar with the language. This helps build their confidence and understanding. If you start on challenging books, your child will likely lose interest.

Use Visual Aids

Point to pictures, characters, and objects in the book while you read. Visual aids provide additional context and reinforce vocabulary.

Create a Routine

Establish a regular reading routine with your child. Consistency is crucial for language learning, and a routine helps create a positive association with language learning.

Encourage Interaction

Encourage your child to ask questions, comment on the story, or even predict what might happen next. By encouraging interaction, you can help engage your child and build recall with words and phrases.