‘Insulate!!’ – New Book with Innovative Community Approach Keeps Houses Warm & Makes Sound Financial Sense
Believing that domestic insulation retrofits for Britain’s housing stock is a key opportunity for Britain to achieve its 2050 Net Zero ambitions, retired civil engineer, Jeffery Smith, shares his innovative idea with readers in his book, Insulate!!
With approximately 22 million dwellings in England and Wales, and with the likelihood that 80% will still be standing in 2050, the author goes into detail on how by clubbing together with neighbours and then bringing in the relevant expertise and eventually a retrofit builder, houses can be made warmer, costs saved and most importantly, as a nation, we come closer to achieving environmental goals.
With newbuilds still not embracing the technologies and innovations that could transform our chances of making impactful progress towards Net Zero, the ideas and ‘thinking outside the box’ outlined in this informative yet comforting book provide communities across the country food for thought on how they can make a difference.
This book tells how to insulate your house fully, not just the loft, and together with such things as solar panels get it close to net zero.
Adjacent owner-occupiers form a club. Construction professionals are appointed to prepare a scheme and detail it. Surveys and assessments are carried out by scanning externally and internally as well as in traditional ways.
Insurers are part of the scheme, covering risks and providing warranties. A builder wins the job, and their costs are met by mortgages, eventually from retrofit building societies. The cost of energy saved pays the mortgage.
Cracking and other deficiencies and previous ill-advised alterations must first be rectified. The builder then fits external wall insulation in the upper parts of the house, and internal wall insulation at ground storey. Owners remain resident, surrendering rooms by the working day for the latter.
Other necessary things are done. It is surprising how the appearance of whole streets must change for ever.
Serious unanticipated building defects or illness mean the house is given over to the builder for a time, residents moving to a hotel. Kids are then taxied to school. Insurers cover costs related to such delays.
There will be universities of retrofit. Finally, an Enhanced Retrofit Passport certifies the house so 22nd century owners are reassured. The book refers to houses in England and Wales primarily.
Published by MR Editions, Insulate!! is available in paperback
(ISBN No: 978 139996386 2) priced £10.99 and Kindle format £5.99 on Amazon at https://tinyurl.com/35huceuy and https://tinyurl.com/762886fv