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How to get your wardrobe reorganised, by a Marie Kondo expert

Molly Mae, Zara Mcdermott and Sam Thompson have all undertaken huge wardrobe organisations over the last two weeks.

As many Brits also look to get their wardrobes reorganised as we begin to socialise again and ditch the loungewear, self-storage company, Space Station, has partnered with Marie Kondo expert, Sue Spencer, to reveal the secrets of how to successfully reorganise your wardrobe.

Sue’s tips for a successful wardrobe audit:
1) Before starting, think about how you’d like your wardrobe and bedroom to look. Browsing through magazines and Pinterest can inspire you and keep you motivated.
2) Put all your clothes in one place – I like to put everything on the bed. Separate the different types of garments (jumpers, dresses, suits etc) into piles. This is often when people are shocked to see how many similar items they own and find clothes they’ve forgotten they had.
3) If you’ve got lots of clothes it may be easier to manage one subcategory of clothes at a time (e.g. do tops first, then jeans, then suits.
4) Choose a pile to sort through – t-shirts or jumpers are an easy place to start. Look at the pile and select your favourite three tops that you really love wearing – think about why you like them, do they make you feel good, is it the colour you like or something else?
5) Once you’ve done this, set aside these items in your “keep” pile and work through the rest of the tops one at a time, holding each item in your hands to decide whether it’s something that you love. If it’s not obvious, compare it against your three top items to help you make the decision. If you don’t wear the item or it’s something you’ve kept hold of for quite a while to fit in to, now’s the time to let it go – put it in your discard pile (ready for the charity shop or eBay).
6) Continue with each category until you’ve made a decision about everything (including your socks!)

Sue’s tips on keeping your wardrobe organised:
1) Don’t keep things ‘just in case’ as the chances are if you haven’t worn it for years, you’re unlikely to again.
2) Don’t keep things ‘for best’ – if you love it then put it in your wardrobe and start wearing it, you’ll feel great every time you put it on!
3) When you’ve sorted all the clothes, look at your storage space and decide how you want to organise the items you love – not everything needs to be hung.
4) Jumpers, t-shirts and jeans can all be folded and put in chests of drawers or baskets on shelves to maximise storage.
5) Consider storing seasonal items under the bed so they don’t take up shared space.