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Cost of Composite Veneers

Having tooth imperfections can affect your self-esteem. However, with veneers, you can cover these imperfections and have a perfect smile. Unfortunately, many people want to avoid getting veneers due to the cost and invasiveness of the procedure. However, composite veneers are the cheapest and least invasive of all veneer types.

Kindly read further to find out more about composite veneers, including their costs.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are tooth shells that a dentist at Dentakay dental clinic bonds to your tooth surface to improve its appearance. A dentist can cover teeth imperfections with veneers to give you an even, uniform smile.

Fortunately, there are different veneer types you can choose from, including porcelain and composite veneers. These veneers differ in costs, material, results, and procedure.

What Are Composite Veneers?

Of all veneer teeth, composite veneers are the cheapest option. This is because this type of veneer is made from composite resin materials. In addition, dentists apply composite veneers directly to the teeth and do not need to modify the teeth.

Furthermore, you can get these veneers in a single visit to your dentist. Composite veneers are also easily replaceable.

What Are Composite Veneers Suitable For?

Dentists cover a tooth surface with composite veneers. Therefore, they are suitable for covering teeth imperfections like crookedness, discolourations, and uneven shape.

What Is the Composite Veneer Procedure?

The composite veneers procedure is straightforward and can be done in a single day. The dentist will first clean the teeth thoroughly during the direct composite veneer procedure. Afterwards, your dentist will etch the tooth surface to improve bonding.

Your dentist then adds dental glue to the teeth to bond composite resin and manually shape it. Afterwards, your dentist will use a curing light to harden the composite teeth.

It is important to note that you can also get indirect composite veneers. In this case, your dentist will take your teeth impression and mould your composite veneers outside your mouth. Afterwards, the dentist bonds the composite veneers and hardens them with a UV light.

Both direct and indirect veneers may not require anaesthesia. And even if you get anaesthesia during the procedure, you should be able to return to your normal activities once the effect wears off.  

Pros and Cons of Composite Veneers

All procedures, including composite veneers, have their pros and cons. Below is a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of composite veneers.

Pros of composite veneers

The most significant advantage of composite veneers is their convenience. You can get composite veneers in a single visit to the dentist. In addition, because composite resin is tooth-coloured, the veneers look natural.

Furthermore, composite veneers are affordable because the procedure is non-invasive and may not require anaesthesia. Another advantage of composite veneers is that they are easily replaceable.

Cons of composite veneers

Composite veneers are less durable than other teeth veneers. These veneers can only last five years, even with excellent care. In addition, composite veneers are not strong. They can damage easily, especially if you eat hard foods.

Another downside to composite veneers is that they stain easily. Therefore, limiting teeth-staining foods like coffee, tea, and red wine is ideal.

Cost of Composite Veneers

You can get your composite veneers in top destinations like the USA or UK. Apart from the cost of composite veneers varying from one dental clinic to another, these locations offer composite veneers at high prices.

For instance, in the USA, a single composite veneer costs between $950 to $1500. And in the UK, composite veneers may cost $200 to $300 per tooth. These costs exclude dental fees or other charges.

Fortunately, Turkey offers cheaper composite veneers without compromising on dental quality. On average, a full set of composite veneers in Turkey is about $2500. A full set of veneers ranges between 16 and 20 units. Moreover, this price includes dentist fees and the use of dental clinic facilities.

How Long Do Composite Veneers Last?

Because of the material they are made from, composite veneers last a maximum of 5 years. Therefore, you may need to visit your dentist for a touch-up after 5 years. Unfortunately, composite veneers may last less time than five years for some people due to lifestyle habits and improper maintenance.

Generally, suppose you notice that your composite veneers are chipped, cracked, dark, or uncomfortable. In that case, you need to visit your dentist for a replacement.

Composite Veneers Vs. Porcelain Veneers

As mentioned earlier, composite veneers and porcelain veneers achieve different results and have varying costs, materials, and procedures.


Porcelain veneers achieve better results than composite veneers. Although composites can cover teeth imperfections, they are only suitable for minor dental flaws. In addition, porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years, unlike composite veneers.


Composite veneers are cheaper than porcelain veneers. While composite veneers may cost $2500 on average for a full set, porcelain veneers cost up to $5500 on average for the same full set.


The composite veneer procedure is not as invasive as porcelain veneers. Furthermore, the teeth are permanent due to the invasiveness of porcelain veneers. Therefore, replacing them in case of any damage may be difficult. Composite veneers, on the other hand, are easily replaceable.


Composite veneers are made from composite resin, while ceramic or porcelain is the material for making porcelain veneers. Ceramic material is generally more resilient, translucent, and durable than composite resin.

Furthermore, porcelain is highly resistant to stains and chippings, unlike composite resin, which is more susceptible to stains.

Get Your Composite Veneers Today!

Your smile leaves a first impression on people. So, leave a great first impression today by getting your composite veneers at Composite veneers can cover teeth stains, unevenness, and cracks. You can visit a dental clinic  to improve your smile and hide your teeth’ imperfections.

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