Connecting the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care with the Frontline
Care England, the largest representative body of independent adult social care providers welcomed the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Professor Deborah Sturdy OBE, to a membership meeting with learning disability and autism adult social care providers.
Professor Martin Green OBE, Chief Executive of Care England, says:
“We were delighted to welcome Professor Sturdy to one of our membership meetings. Ensuing that the voice of the learning disability sector is heard by Central Government is of vital importance and the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care’s new role will play an indispensable part in this. We look forward to continuing to work with Professor Sturdy, as well as other national leaders, through our membership groups.”
Professor Sturdy, England’s first ever Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, took the opportunity to engage with the frontline by listening to Care England’s members’ views on issues pertinent to the learning disability workforce and nursing agenda.
Professor Sturdy addressed the group by outlining her vision for the role and her priorities. In particular, Professor Sturdy said that she was keen to provide a voice to areas of the workforce that needs to be heard louder.
Care England’s Learning Disabilities Group discussed the following key areas with Professor Sturdy, which have now been escalated to a senior level on Care England’s behalf:
- The delegation of clinical tasks to social care staff, from local health professionals
- The inequality experienced by those with a learning disability in their access to healthcare and healthcare services
- Issues around isolating individuals with complex needs for extended periods of time
- The testing of visiting health professionals.
Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care, Professor Deborah Sturdy OBE said:
“It was really useful to attend Care England’s meeting and hear exactly what challenges learning disability and autism providers are facing.
“While the challenges are exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic I am encouraged by the ‘can do’ attitude of providers and their resolute determination to do everything they can to ensure the welfare of their residents and staff.”