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Category Archives: Business

From surfboard designer to saving the NHS making PPE

Growing up in a family of creatives Josh was surrounded by inventiveness from a young age. Unlike most 10-year-olds who idolised sports stars and superheroes, Josh instead became fascinated by their armour – the kit and the tools they used to conquer their opponents. It

Introducing the glasses that prevent digital eye strain

In this digital age, with screens everywhere, digital eye strain is becoming a serious concern. That’s where Foxmans’ glasses can help. The blue light emitted from digital screens can lead to migraines, screen headaches, strained eyes and insomnia. An effective solution is the blue-light blocking


FEEL.MOVE.BE help women fall in love with their body through movement, breathing and self-expression. Offering three unique packages, Vanessa and her team are here to help you improve your life through movement. Make Your Body Your Best Ally: Ideal for women who feel their body


Pri’s Puddings satisfy the sweet tooth, made from five natural ingredients, sweetened by dates! Pri’s Puddings are 100% plant-based with 50% less sugar than other vegan treats on the market, and use completely recyclable packaging. Pie-fection! (pocket sized pies – combo – intro pack) (£11.50):

40 is the new 30: how celebs are staying younger for longer

Cosmetic surgery has evolved significantly over the past few years. We have stepped away from dramatic surgeries that create vast changes in our appearances, and instead are now opting for regenerative treatments that enhance our look using more natural substances. These regenerative treatments have become

Private equity adds to already buoyant deals market in UK

A number of high profile private equity deals reported in the past few days, including the proposed takeover of supermarket chain Morrisons, by American-based private equity firm Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, has shone a light on what is an incredibly busy market. Deal volume are