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Category Archives: Business

Make sure you’re covered from the shed to the sink

The last year has added a myriad of risks to an already drastically underinsured property market. Whether this is the near 700,000 people that have had a home gym installed according to Powered Now, or the 12% of Brits that have rushed their home moving process

Universities clamp down on offers after grading fiasco

Following the A-level grading fiasco last Autumn which saw universities accepting more students than usual, some institutions are getting tougher on their recruitment this year. ‘High-tariff’ universities have experienced a surge of applications, but have made offers to a lower proportion of candidates – a

Unexpected costs of moving abroad

With remote working more accepted in a post pandemic world many more people are considering a permanent move aboard but experts have warned them to be fully aware of costs. Relocation experts from International Citizens Insurance have researched and revealed the most expensive charges incurred

Summer picnic guide

Welcome to the summer, we’ve got food and drink! Is there anything more blissful than indulging in some good food and a nice drink or two with some good company in the sunshine? We think not! Put together the perfect picnic with our selection of