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Category Archives: Business

Shortlist Announced for the ICGN Global Stewardship Disclosure Awards 2021

The International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), with Members responsible for assets under management in excess of US$59 trillion, announced shortlists today for the ICGN Global Stewardship Disclosure Awards. Investor stewardship contributes to sustainable and responsible value creation which benefits companies, investors and society as a

A lasting memory of your trips away

There are certain words and dates that will always remind you of those special travel moments so why not recreate your story using the Storyteller Flags! If you or a loved one are keen to head to the airport now the world is reopening, Storyteller

Q Energy wins deal for Europe’s largest battery storage site

A Manchester firm has been boosted after securing a major contract for a “globally-significant” development. Smart energy service provider Q Energy clinched the predictive maintenance and performance monitoring deal for Europe’s largest battery storage project with the 100-megawatt (MW) system switched on by Shell in

The NBA Players that are the Best Value for Money

Stephen Curry stands as the NBA player who is the best value for money with a value for money score of 7.96 out of 10. The Golden State Warriors point guard has an inflation adjusted salary of $18,848,418 per year, receiving the highest payment per

Fashion retailer feeding locals in overseas Covid crisis

A Glaswegian businessman helped feed starving people in Pakistan during the Covid crisis after being in lockdown when visiting his production factory. Zain Sehgal, 34, founded ethical menswear and womenswear brand Basix last year when he decided to leave his marketing background and follow in