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All posts by Manchester TV

The best Friends cameos, according to fans

Brad Pitt’s appearance as Monica’s high school friend Will in season eight of the legendary sitcom Friends is the best cameo in the show’s history, according to new research. Analysis conducted by mobile casino guide studied the episodes of Friends which featured guest stars

As 2022 Nears, Travel Insurance Sales Jump Amid the Pandemic

by Fernando Acevedo As the pandemic ends its second year, travel insurance sales are seeing a significant rise as more people favor security while abroad.  New Thinking for Post-Pandemic Times According to travel insurance company Squaremouth, policy sales rose by 84% relative to 2019. Company CMO

Jones Digital celebrates first business anniversary

Jones Digital, the UK’s fastest growing digital powerhouse is proud to mark its first business anniversary in style, as it develops its range of next level branding support for the KBB, Home Interiors and Build & Construction industries. Founder and Managing Director, Peter Jones says,

Which UK city most loves a deal on theatre tickets?

It’s that time of year again, where shoppers globally hunt for bargains before Christmas in the Black Friday sales. According to statistics, the UK’s expected spending for this year’s annual event has risen to £9.42 billion – a rise of £1.47 billion compared to 2020.