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48 hours to save the world

Climate action warriors from across the world have been given 48 hours to tackle one of the world’s biggest threats.

The World Technology Universities Network (WTUN) is holding a Hackathon for students on 29 June. The network, which is hosted by the University of Bradford, is giving students 48 hours to work in teams to create a new product or service to solve a climate change issue.

Over 120 people have registered for the online event from across the network’s institutions, they will be given several tasks alongside a schedule of masterclasses, this will cumulate in a final pitch presentation before the panel of judges decide the winner.

Sankar Sivarajah, Professor of Technology Management at the University of Bradford and WTUN steering group member said: “The climate emergency is the defining crisis of our era, it poses a real global threat to all of us, however science tells us there is still time to avert catastrophe and by working together we can create a cleaner, greener and more resilient future.

“The Hackathon is an exciting opportunity for students around the world to work together, learn how to develop their ideas, entrepreneurial skills and gain experience in problem solving and presenting. I’m looking forward to seeing what innovative ideas come out of the 48hours.”

The top teams in the competition will be awarded prizes with details of their ideas shared on the website.

The World Technology Universities Network is a network of global technology universities committed to undertaking cutting-edge, challenge-led research with direct benefits to people and society, and providing education for the next generation of global citizens who will have to respond to the world’s 21st century challenges. The network was launched at the University of Bradford in 2017.