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Monthly Archives: October 2022

Manchester Amazon Team Supports Infant Charity

The team at the Amazon fulfilment centre in Manchester has donated £1,000 to a charity that supports families affected by infant mortality. The donation was made to the Stockport branch of the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (Sands), a charity that supports anyone affected by

Replace Shop Bought Bottled Water with ZeroWater.

Figuring out which water brand to purchase in the shops can be difficult, if not outright impossible since they all imply to offer the same high-quality, clean and fresh spring water. For decades, people have been led to believe that the neatly packaged water bottles

The scariest Halloween house price drops revealed

Research by estate and lettings agent, Barrows and Forrester, has revealed the scariest pockets of the UK property market, where homeowners have been haunted by a drop in the value of their home since last Halloween. Barrows and Forrester analysed current market values for bricks

Holiday Tech Gift Turns Texts into Books

We would love to feature with you the gift-giver’s dream for the Holiday season which are KEEPSTER books, a brand new idea that turns your favorite texts & chats into a one-of-a-kind, unforgettable printed book! KEEPSTER is the only way to easily turn texts (including