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Manchester Amazon Team Supports Infant Charity

The team at the Amazon fulfilment centre in Manchester has donated £1,000 to a charity that supports families affected by infant mortality.

The donation was made to the Stockport branch of the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (Sands), a charity that supports anyone affected by the death of a baby. The charity also improves the care bereaved parents receive.

The donation will be used to pay for Sands bereavement care training for the Northern Care Alliance in Oldham.

The charity was nominated for the donation by Brian Dique, who works at the Amazon fulfilment centre in Manchester. He said:

“I was inspired to nominate Sands after learning my Golf Society Captain and his wife had suffered the loss of their daughter some years prior after making an impassioned speech on the matter during his Charity Golf Day. Their story highlighted the importance of the support Sands provided to bereaved parents, who’s pain must be incomprehensible. It was evident to me that without that level of compassion and support, my friend and his wife would have found the days that followed almost impossible. Sands is an incredible charity that does vitally important work for bereaved parents in Manchester and I’m really thrilled that Amazon is making this donation.”

Ian Jackson, Site Leader at Amazon’s Manchester fulfilment centre, added:

“We’re pleased to support the Manchester Sands group with this donation. The charity helps people who have been through very difficult times, and we appreciate the support this charity provides for our community.”

Anne Edwards, Chair of Stockport Sands, from Sands said:

“I want to extend our thanks to Darragh and the team at Amazon for this donation. Our services are important to the community, and we appreciate all donations which enable us to support those in need of our help.”

Sands received the donation as part of Amazon’s programme to support the communities in and around its operating locations across the UK.