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Replace Shop Bought Bottled Water with ZeroWater.

Figuring out which water brand to purchase in the shops can be difficult, if not outright impossible since they all imply to offer the same high-quality, clean and fresh spring water. For decades, people have been led to believe that the neatly packaged water bottles at the store are a much healthier alternative to tap water, but is that true?

While tap water does contain chlorine (used to disinfect and sanitise) and may contain leftover solids from the public water system, that doesn’t make it undrinkable for humans. It just means it needs a more rigorous filtering system to take on the containments in the water. The UK is fixated with single-use water bottles, with 7.7 billion water bottles sold each year. If consumers want the purest-tasting water, then it is time to filter tap water and save money and the planet together.

ZeroWater filters work tirelessly to provide you with your very own, at-home water filtering system, designed to create the purest-tasting tap water, and help you save money in the process.

Each month, buying bottled water for yourself and your family costs an awful lot. It’s recommended that healthy adults drink two litres of water a day, which amounts to roughly £2 if you buy bottled water. Per month, that’s nearly £60. Per year that is £720 literally down the drain.

For decades now, people have been going along with this simply on the belief that they didn’t have an alternative and that doesn’t automatically mean you should be spending sixty pounds a month on bottled water.

The ZeroWater filter uses a complex process to remove virtually all dissolved solids (99.6%) from your tap water. That is almost as twice as many as other leading brands.

The ZeroWater filter is equipped with a layer of activated carbon and oxidation reduction alloy, which strips away the chlorine from your tap water, and removes that unpleasant disinfectant taste.

Next, begins the Ion Exchange stage. Here, the ZeroWater filter removes dissolved solids that may have found their way into your water by accident, but also components that may have leaked from old pipes including Aluminium, Lead, and Zinc.