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What Is ‘Love Bombing’?

Expert Comment From Boundaries Expert & Life Coach Michelle Elman

What is Love Bombing?
Love bombing is a manipulation technique where someone bombards you with romantic gestures, sentiments, gifts and affections. They often have no intention of following through and are trying to hook you in. It can feel like an overwhelming high, because their affection is so much greater than the level of knowing you have about the person.

People tend to love bomb because they see the other person as a prize, and are more concerned with hooking up than in whether the relationship will last, as once they ‘have’ you, they tend to lose interest.

It often occurs at such a pace that on some level, it won’t make sense. It can be unhealthy, as much as it makes you feel loved, it’s important to remind yourself that it’s not real. In healthy adult romantic relationships desire and affection is reciprocal, but in cases of love bombing, attention flows in a single direction.

Establish boundaries if you feel you’re being love-bombed:
You must remind yourself that this person is a stranger. If it is moving at a pace that is too fast for you, tell the person that you need more time to feel the same way, that you need them to slow down and that exaggerated sentiments, whilst lovely gestures, are overwhelming.

What are the warning signs of Love Bombing?
Intensity is the greatest warning sign. When people discuss things such as marriage or kids early on, or indulge in fantasies such as instantly knowing you are the one, you need to be cautious. Another sign is if someone is being overly generous with gifts, as this asks the question of what they could be overcompensating for.