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We asked AI what cyberattacks would look like as creatures… and the results are, well, nightmare fuel

At Waterstons, we live and breathe cyber security, of course. With the rise of AI, it got us thinking… what if we asked AI how it thinks cyberattacks would look as creatures? So often we hear the words “Trojan Horse” or “Phishing” and it leaves space to wonder, what would these attacks actually look like if they were real-life monsters? *Nightmare fuel ahead*

Malware Attack

First, we asked AI what a Malware Attack would look like as a creature… and to us, it’s giving internet troll. That’s definitely an energy drink on the side, and they tell you three times a week they can fix your laptop, and always make it worse. Most definitely miss Windows ‘95 and LimeWire. We’re thinking this one is more a land-dwelling creature, and it looks like it has some kind of hard-shell back, like it belongs to the reptile family. The way it’s holding a key over the laptop as though it has the ability to open up everything on the device through its malware is a little menacing.

DDOS Attack

Arguably, there’s something quite cute about this creature. It looks like somewhere AI has decided that a DDOS attack would resemble a pug (see: curly tail and big round eyes). There’s nothing scary about this creature, and there’s a not-so-smart aura about it, too. Interesting to note that AI has created a creature that doesn’t seem quite as menacing for a DDOS attack… don’t let their appearance fool you, DDOS attacks are serious business.

Phishing Attack

Of course the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of phishing attacks is fishing, so we’re not surprised to see AI’s depiction of a phishing attack creature. So far, this is the only one that seems to have a real threatening aura. It’s an impressive analysis from AI too, with the inclusion of the safe door which would indicate your data being stolen, and the hook which lures you in. It also looks as though the wires in the mouth are fishing nets, which could indicate a few things, like it’s clever enough to demolish what is trying to catch it!

Zero-Day Attack

We’re not sure why, but this one’s aura is so Stranger Things. It feels like it’s learnt many things in some kind of laboratory setting, and definitely gives us the creeps. The huge eye indicates that you’re being watched… like the hacker is waiting for a vulnerability to appear that they can take advantage of.

Trojan-Horse Attack

AI’s depiction of a trojan-horse attack seems like it belongs in the desert. It’s almost majestic and menacing at the same time. It looks as though it’s wooden, which is interesting as it could lean into the idea that something is hidden inside the exterior, which of course is exactly what happens when a trojan-horse is downloaded; it’s disguised as something else!

Ransomware Attack

This one seems like it belongs at the bottom of the ocean, as though it’s something you’d encounter when you can no longer see the sunlight! It also looks kind of… knitted? Which doesn’t add to its fear-factor, but that one staring eye is absolutely hide-under-the-bed frightening. It definitely seems like something you’d stay away from, and if this was blocking access to your computer in its real life form, you’d probably be pretty spooked.

In our experience, cyber monsters can often be defeated by getting the cyber basics right, and keeping a watchful eye on the evolving threat landscape. We help our clients to do this everyday to ensure that those creepy cyber critters are kept at bay!