When two dads from Surrey found themselves reassuring their children that masks should not be seen as frightening, and were being worn for safety, they both decided that there must be a more communicative option out there, one that offered best in class levels of protection whilst addressing all the issues full face coverings cause;
Poor communication – vital for business environments, especially for those 25 million UK citizens with hearing impairment, learning disabilities, mental health problems, autism and panic attacks.
Poor air quality – exhaled air which contains 82% nitrogen & carbon dioxide is re-inhaled by the wearer as it can’t escape
Excessive heat build-up which leads to poor skin conditions & other medical issues such as panic attacks and anxiety
Fogging of glasses
Cotton masks –tend to offer lesser levels of bacteria filtration protection (average cloth mask delivers between 0.7% to 70% BFE protection)
PPE – considerable environmental impact as they need to be changed regularly to ensure they remain effective as soon as they become moist from water droplets found in breath. The filtration layers start to break down & become less effective. According to Science Daily studies estimate 129 billion face masks are used globally every month. There are also growing fears dumped face masks could become the ‘next plastic problem’.
They set out on a mission to source a mask that could be developed, one with proven independent certification, that would be more effective against COVID-19 and provide a long term solution against other respiratory viruses. Their immediate need was to protect their family and loved ones, but of course if a mask could be developed that would allow for improved communication between people whilst being 99.9% effective against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19 and other viruses, then that for them would be the ultimate achievement.
Tony Wild and Martin Lovatt accomplished all they set out to do and in December 2020 introduced XULA to the UK.
Their primary objective achieved, the two dads set their sites on sharing the ‘XULA’ message further afield, including to those who were exempt from wearing a mask. Although exempt, these millions of people still deserved the right, like everyone else, to protect themselves. For example those with learning disabilities, deaf / hard of hearing, mental health conditions, autism, anxiety, dementia and breathing difficulties which account for over 40 million people in the UK.
Working constantly to achieve more awareness, and on the back of huge interest from their sales to the public, the two dads are dedicating all of their own time and resources into introducing the masks to key decision makers in people facing businesses such as travel, retail, supermarkets, transport, education and the leisure and hospitality sectors. XULA masks help businesses ensure they fall within the 2010 Equalities Act.
After learning the Government were actively seeking a long term solution for a transparent mask, and knowing the overwhelming benefits XULA offered, the two dads set about trying to engage with local MP’s, the NHS and those involved in the project in the hope they would be willing to learn more about XULA masks. Unfortunately to date, the responses received have left the two dads feeling confused as to why key decision makers are not willing to discuss a mask that could help them solve an acknowledged problem. XULA masks are fully certified and tested to level I PPE. There is nothing else in the market which they believe comes close.
So why is this mask different?
Tony Wild explained, “The masks are treated with HeiQ Viroblock, an intelligent coating designed in Switzerland, the masks are 99.9% effective against COVID-19 & other viruses. They are also 95% effective at filtering viruses and bacteria (BFE), and 96% effective at blocking airbourne viral particles. The masks are 95% effective at blocking the type of respiratory droplets that come from sneezing and coughing. All XULA masks are made in Spain, re-washable and independently tested at Amslab, a leading approved testing facility in Spain.
We have a mask that delivers overwhelming benefits for users and yet it is so difficult to introduce what we have to key decision makers. Xula would really help everyone, especially those who work day in and day out on the front line.”
XULA masks are constructed from cutting-edge transparent filtering fabric which means users can easily see each other’s facial expressions, emotions, whilst remaining protected. This gives enormous benefits to deaf and hearing impaired users who need to be able to lip-read in order to communicate effectively.
Martin Lovatt concluded, “I feel safer knowing my family are wearing Xula masks. As a dad, we want our children and loved ones to be as protected as much as possible and I just want other parents and individuals to feel the same and be aware that Xula exists. We know there isn’t a better, safer, more user and environmentally friendly option out there!