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The UK’s most popular wallpaper prints, according to each major city

New data has mapped the most popular wallpaper patterns in the UK, according to each major city.

Luxury sustainable wallpaper brand, Bobbi Beck, conducted the study using localised Google search data from the past year to find each city’s favourite interior print.

Researchers sourced the top 15 most popular wallpaper prints based on a number of editorial sources, which included botanicals, animal prints, metallic and nautical. These search terms were then mapped against the UK’s largest (Source: Investment Monitor) and most stylish (Source: Alro & Jacob) cities; where cities were excluded due to a lack of keyword availability or inconclusive results.

According to the research, the UK’s most popular wallpaper pattern overall is stripes. And it’s no surprise why; classic, elegant and timeless, striped wallpaper is minimalistic yet versatile and has the power to make any room look bigger.

The most popular wallpaper print or prints according to each UK city are as follows:

Edinburgh: Geometric and striped

Plymouth: Floral and mural

Nottingham: Striped

Glasgow: Striped

Newcastle: Striped and texture

Birmingham: Floral and striped

Cardiff: Floral and striped

Manchester: Striped

Belfast: Floral, striped and texture

Norwich: Floral, mural and tropical

London: Striped

Liverpool: Striped

Bristol: Geometric, mural and striped

Sheffield: Geometric, Striped and texture

Leeds: Striped

Coventry: Striped and damask

Bradford: Striped

Stoke: Floral, geometric & striped

Derby: Striped

Portsmouth: Striped

Brighton: Tropical

Northampton: Striped and mural

A striped design came out on top as one of the top choices in 19 major UK cities!

Quirky Brighton was found to be one of the only cities where stripes didn’t make an appearance, with tropical print coming out as the most popular choice in the area. In keeping with Brighton’s bohemian reputation, tropical wallpaper can easily add that hint of ‘fun’ to the home.

Textured wallpapers appeared in the top picks of Newcastle, Belfast and Sheffield. Easy to style and with an element of subtle complexity, textured wallpaper can add more depth to any room.

Commenting on the brainteaser, Creative Director and Designer at Bobbi Beck, James Mellan-Matulewicz said:

“Your choice of wallpaper, or in fact any of your interior can say a lot about your personality. So it’s fascinating to see how certain cities in the UK lean towards certain design choices; particularly with the more quirky designs.”

“It’s not surprising to see that the most popular print in the UK is striped; known for their versatility and timeless nature, stripes are a strong choice for any home and can be styled in a multitude of ways. Mural walls were the top pick in four cities including Bristol and Plymouth, which is a testament to their taste! Mural walls are gaining more and more popularity, really elevating the design and sense of luxury of a home.”

“Coventry was the only city to have damask rank in their top choices, indicating a preference for a more vintage styling in their neck of the woods.”