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The importance of a rigorous hiring process in security work to ensure public safety

by Shahzad Ali, CEO of Get Licensed

“In recent news, the public are calling for ministers to take action following allegations of inappropriate conduct against some security workers.

Reportedly some security guards, employed by outsourcing firm G4S, have been sexually harassing women who are quarantining in UK hotels.These are extremely concerning allegations.

Security guards are employed to protect the public and ensure the safety of the establishment they are employed to/by. It is shocking that these victims have
been made to feel so vulnerable and in situations like these we must stress the importance of employing SIA approved and accredited security guards.

If outsourcers hire staff who are not following the correct practices, they are to be held accountable for the actions of the people they employ, alongside the perpetrators themselves.

It is important that the names of respected security workers, who have followed correct training and procedures, are not tarnished due to an error of judgement from an establishment and its untrustworthy workers.

Some 400,000 UK security staff were eligible for these positions of employment, and many of these well trained and trusted professionals will have missed out on job opportunities given to people who are not following the correct practices. Many trained specialists were suffering financially at the hands of the pandemic as is, so to be losing work to untrustworthy staff is a further issue.

It is no surprise that many security workers have been pushed out of the industry since COVID-19, after feeling undervalued and underpaid.

The hiring process must be rigorous in this line of work to ensure the safety of members of the public – to protect them from internal and external threats alike.

With many trained staff unlikely to return to this line of work, there is further cause for concern that events like this will happen again. The root of the issue must first be solved to ensure trusted workers return to the industry: better work conditions, support and compensation.

The SIA’s Code of Conduct explicitly says trained security staff must act with integrity, be trustworthy, protect the people and property you are entrusted to protect, be professional and be accountable for your actions.”