REVEALED: New study names the most successful email marketing tips for SMEs to engage customers
A new study by EmailToolTester has researched email marketing strategies to name the best tips for businesses to use, revealing why it’s an important tactic in 2021.
With the world becoming saturated by brands it’s now more important than ever to engage with your audience and email marketing is one of the best tools to do so. With over 4.3 billion email users in the world, it’s one of the greatest ways to connect with consumers, promote your business and sell your products.
How can you ensure a successful email marketing campaign with results? EmailToolTester has released a full infographic naming the top tips.
Why email marketing is important in 2021
With 50% of the world’s population using email, this is the best way to connect with your audience.
When sending out B2C emails, 59% of those marketing emails influenced consumers’ purchase decisions. With at least 50% of people buying from marketing emails at least once a month.
How to get it right ✅
Think desktop first
Emails are more likely to be opened on desktop, so think of this layout when you put together your email, keeping the most important facts at the beginning.
Personalise emails
Personalising emails can have a big impact on your open rate from consumers. Adding the customer’s name saw open rates increase to 20.66% compared to non-personalized emails being opened by 19.57% of recipients.
Click-through-rate and open rates are also higher when you use customer’s names in the body of the email too. With a 21.75% open rate and a CTR of 2.48%.
Excite customers
The subject line is the first thing your customers see. Make sure it stands out. Try and target the subject line to your customers interests and use your own data to see what products they’ve been browsing.