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Prolific burglar banned from Manchester city centre

A prolific burglar is banned from entering Manchester City Centre after being given a Criminal Behaviour Order.

Francis Connelly (10/06/63) was released from prison last week (Tuesday 11 December 2018), having been jailed in April for burglary. The incidents which saw him jailed, took place at a restaurant in November 2017, a spa the following month and a café in January of this year. Cash and personal belongings were stolen.

In addition to this most recent case, Connelly has a number of previous convictions for targeting business premises within the city centre.

As a result, he was given a Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) in addition to a custodial prison sentence at the hearing in April.

The order prohibits him from entering Manchester City Centre at any time for three years. If he is caught entering the area during this period, he will face arrest.

The CBO will expire on 17 April 2021.