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Picture-Perfect Clean: Essential Tips for Maintaining a Camera’s Optics

Unlocking the full potential of their camera is the goal for many photography enthusiasts. In a world where everyone is snapping pictures left, right and centre, a clean camera is the absolute necessity for stunning shots. Cleaning a camera is not like cleaning a car. The objective is not to make the camera and gear look their best, but to fine-tune a piece of precision equipment and maintain delicate tools that can cost a small fortune to replace.

“Cleaning your camera is not as easy as it looks, yet essential. Think of it like keeping your glasses smudge-free – it just makes everything look better!“ says James Whitten, the Marketing Manager at photoGuard.

As camera cleaning is about making the camera work at its best, it is crucial to know what needs cleaning, how to clean it, and how to avoid damaging or lessening the effectiveness of the gear.

Leading camera insurer photoGuard has put together an easy-to-follow guide along with a few tips on how to keep a camera in tip-top shape:

How to clean the camera sensor

Cleaning a camera sensor can be quite risky and therefore many photographers would rather take it to a professional. While this level of caution is sensible, sensor damage is easily avoidable with the right knowledge.

Firstly, the question is whether it is truly necessary to clean the lens on a camera? The short answer is yes. Every time a lens is changed, it is exposed to dust and dirt. It is an unavoidable process, and all that dust will build up over time and can create blurry spots that may harm photos.

Before manually cleaning the sensor, it is important to check whether the camera’s auto-clean feature can resolve the issue. Most modern cameras automatically do this after being switched off.

If however this feature is unavailable, cleaning swabs designed for the camera’s specific size may need to be used alongside cleaning solution, an air blower, microfibre wipes, and a trustworthy light source and magnifier.

Cleaning the lens cap

It is important to not neglect the lens cap. Though far less essential, it will be coming into immediate contact with the rest of your camera and can easily replace the dust that has just been removed.

Cleaning the camera interior

The camera interior is not delicate, so using a fine brush along with a blower will be enough to clean out any dust.

“Whether you’re a selfie superstar or a weekend warrior with your camera, our tips will help you keep your gear in perfect condition “adds Whitten.

Discover how to unleash your camera’s full potential: