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The newest addition to the Covid-vocabulary? Maskne

From ‘lockdown’ to ‘social distancing’, 2020 has given us a whole new set of everyday terminology. The newest addition to the Covid-vocabulary? Maskne. The name itself is self-explanatory and refers to the development of acne around the mouth and chin as a result of wearing

Social Care Sector Needs a Long-term People Plan

Care England, the largest representative body for independent providers of adult social care, has responded to a call for evidence on good practice on in-work progression from the Department for Work and Pensions. The submission includes a call for a long-term people plan for the

Bad Bathroom Behaviour Revealed

There’s little else Brits love more than having a moan; The Telegraph once dubbed our habit of complaining as a “defining British characteristic”. Whether it’s grumbling about bad weather or long commutes, bonding over life’s little annoyances is undeniably inherent in UK culture. Now, new research