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Meghan’s podcast is a ‘shocking’ flop with ‘incredibly old’ content, says royal biographer

ROYAL biographer Angela Levin has slated the Duchess of Sussex’s new podcast, claiming it is full of old tales.

She told GB News: “I was completely shocked that you had about 24 directors and that it’s taken 20 months to do it.

“They thought that the best way to encourage people to listen was to do something that is incredibly old.

“We’ve heard it 1,000 times.”

Speaking during an interview with Patrick Christys on GB News, she added: “So, there we have a flop for the first time.

`”I felt that she was incredibly out of date. I don’t think women have a terribly hard time; some women do, some women don’t.

“I don’t think you’d get every man trying to stop you being ambitious. As that was her favourite word in the podcast.

Ms Levin said: “Some men don’t like women, but a lot of women don’t like men, so I don’t think we’re needing for that, I don’t think we need that anymore, it’s ludicrous.

“I just felt that she also only thought of me, me me…she said afterwards in a very short interview was that I’m so pleased you’re here because you can see the real me, not through a press lens.

“I thought she did herself a huge disservice because you really saw that she is just focused on herself.”

“It was nothing funny and she wanted her to grumble and moan about how life is. She wants to be a victim.

“She wants to knock the Royal Family from here to the other side of the world and back.

“I just think it’s just outrageous and very sad because she could have done a lot of good here, and instead she has smashed it up.”