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Many businesses don’t know how to begin their journey to net-zero.

As the UN’s Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) gets underway, HLB has published its 2021 Sustainability report, “Is your strategy sustainable?” This new report outlines a three-step roadmap to help businesses develop their sustainability strategy and explores the technologies that can help at each stage. Many businesses still find it difficult to begin their journey to net-zero. We are at a pivotal moment to take action on climate change, and HLB is dedicated to helping clients develop sustainability strategies for a better future.

“Sustainability needs to be baked into your strategy at its core, not as a supplement or an add-on” says HLB’s Global Sustainability Advisory Leader Manosij Ganguli. ”A sustainable business will be a profitable business that will be around in the long-term. Our new report offers clear guidance for business owners, many of whom know they need to think more sustainably, but don’t know how or where to begin on their journey to net-zero.”

The HLB report suggests starting small but with decisive actions and follow HLB’s three-step roadmap:

Step one –taking a snapshot of your baseline

Step two – targeting a sustainable business model

Step three – monitoring and reporting to realise a sustainable vision

Within each step of the journey, some practical actions are highlighted to support new strategic objectives, as well as boosting business’s bottom line. It also includes key sustainability and technology questions to help determine a starting point, transform and reshape the business model, and measure and report on progress.