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London author processes his daughter’s mugging by asking the question ‘what if they picked the wrong father?’

In the dead of night, Danny Deacon rushes to his daughter’s bedside where he finds her lying in a coma following a street robbery. Desperate for answers, he discovers the Police know exactly who carried out the attack, but they can’t arrest them due to lack of evidence.


The line between justice and revenge becomes blurred as Danny races against time to hunt down his daughter’s attackers before his own murky past catches up with him

Martin explains: “A couple of years ago, my daughter got mugged for her mobile by two guys riding a scooter. The person who snatched her phone did it so violently he knocked her to the ground. She hit her head on a kerbstone and was taken to hospital where she was kept overnight as a precaution. Fortunately she wasn’t too badly hurt, it could’ve been a lot worse! At around twelve she asked a nurse if she could borrow her mobile phone to send ‘her dad’ an email. I was about to go to bed when an email pinged on my phone. It began, ‘Hi Dad, there’s no need to worry but…’ I went cold.

I raced round to the hospital and found my daughter lying in bed with a bandage around her head, a drip feed on her arm and a Police Officer taking her statement. My daughter told me what happened and the Officer told me she knew precisely who’d done it and that they’d snatched at least eight phones that night alone and were well known to the Police. I asked when they’d be getting arrested. The Officer’s reply shocked me. She said an arrest was extremely unlikely and explained why that was. I was furious, moreso as, within a month, two of my nieces were mugged for their mobile phones in almost identical circumstances.

As a father, it’s my job to protect my children and I felt I’d failed. I wrote Vigilante to get it out of my system.”

Author Bio:

After spending a number of years living in New Zealand and Australia, Martin M. McShane now resides in North London. While in Australia, he worked for the Royal Australian Navy and was responsible for security and communications for warships in Sydney Harbour. Martin now works as Global Programme Director for a major IT Company specialising in web-based Stock Exchange Systems around the world.

RELEASE DATE: 28/10/2024 ISBN: 9781835740583 Price: £9.99