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How Quality Audio Visual Equipment Can Offer Security In Remote Working Roles

Audio Visual (AV) equipment is integral to almost any form of interaction in a corporate setting. From team meetings to board room business proposals, keeping up to date with the latest AV practices is a great way to ensure the smooth operations of your business.

With the uprise in hybrid working, having a great conference room av setup might not anymore look like the typical conference style setting. Instead, conference rooms can now be anywhere in the world, with team meetings taking place among global settings.

Let’s take a look at what to look for in AV equipment.

What types of AV to invest in for professional success

Because video conferences are so vital to keeping a team unified, whether it’s with catchups, brainstorming, and B2B meetings, investing in quality AV technology can help to keep a business thriving no matter the location.

Visual equipment

Some ways to make sure that this can happen is to invest in quality cameras for the whole team. This can avoid common issues like heavily pixelated videos and frozen images. It also means that it can be relied upon whether working remotely or be brought into the office with the same quality maintained throughout.

Audio equipment

Sound bars and microphones are the other half of this equation. While a good video can smooth over many complications, if a team member is going unheard it can spell disaster – or at least a total time waster. Quality microphones that are built for headsets and beyond can be utilised to no end. Sound bars as well should be bought with versatility in mind where it can be transported both physically and between devices.


Whether your team works remotely, in office or hybrid, quality and compatibility are a key component to success in AV systems.