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Half of adults admit they’re ‘obsessed’ with cheese

Half of adults admit they’re ‘obsessed’ with cheese – and can’t go a day without it.

A study of 2,000 people who eat cheese revealed 46 per cent couldn’t live without the dairy-based food in their daily diet.

Nearly one in five (17 per cent) crave it at least once a day, with one in 20 even refusing to date someone who shared the opposite views.

And six per cent would even consider having a tattoo dedicated to their love of the food, with those aged 18-34 being most keen (34 per cent).

The research was commissioned by US snack brand, Cheez-It, which has set up a secret society dedicated to the food and is hosting a ‘cheez-initiation’ ceremony [] on Wednesday 11th September, at Kachette, in Shoreditch, London, to mark its launch in the UK.

Rui Frias, from the snack maker, said: “As we know from our research, cheese is one of the nation’s favourite foods and it’s clear enthusiasts will go to extreme lengths to show their love for it.

“We can’t wait to welcome true cheese obsessives to ‘The Cheez-Masons’ – a one-of-a-kind secret society where like-minded members can come together and celebrate the wonderful world of cheese.”

To celebrate being the first ever member of ‘The Cheez-Masons’, TV personality, Rylan Clark got a custom cheese-themed ‘tattoo’ to celebrate being the first ever member of society.

The study also found 25 per cent would love to be part of a cheese cult, and one in 10 wouldn’t trust someone who didn’t like the dairy-based product.

With five per cent stating that liking cheese should be an option or preference on dating websites and apps.

And despite 22 per cent admitting they have previously snuck their own cheesy snack into a public place, such as the cinema, 62 per cent wouldn’t care who knew about their obsession.