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Green Business Blueprint: Strategies for an Eco-Friendly Startup

With 75% of businesses now investing more in sustainability and 20% making significant eco-friendly changes, going green is a must for businesses in today’s world.

Products marketed as sustainable now account for an impressive 17% of the market, and are growing 2.7 times faster than non-sustainable ones, showing the power of eco-friendly branding.

“Going green isn’t just trendy—it’s necessary. Sustainable practices are key to the future of any business,” explains Richard Lau, President of

To help new businesses get started on the right foot, Lau offers his top tips for launching an eco-friendly business.

1. Source Sustainably

Choose suppliers that provide recycled or sustainably produced materials. For example, use bamboo or recycled plastic instead of traditional plastics.

2. Energy Efficiency

Invest in LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances, and renewable energy sources like solar panels. These can significantly reduce your energy consumption and costs.

3. Eco-Friendly Packaging

Use packaging made from biodegradable materials such as cornstarch or mushroom-based packaging. Avoid single-use plastics and encourage customers to recycle.

4. Reduce Waste

Implement a comprehensive recycling program and encourage employees to minimise paper use by going digital. Offer discounts to customers who bring their own reusable bags or containers.

5. Green Supply Chain

Partner with suppliers who have strong environmental policies. For example, choose shipping companies that use electric vehicles or have carbon offset programs.

6. Green Marketing

Communicate your sustainability efforts transparently. Use social media to share your green initiatives and achievements, and include sustainability information on your product labels and website.

7. Remote Work Options

Provide flexible work arrangements that allow employees to work from home, reducing the need for commuting and lowering your company’s overall carbon footprint.

8. Support Local

Source products and services from local businesses to cut down on transportation emissions and support your local economy. This can also include using local farms for food products where applicable.

9. Eco-Friendly Office

Design your office space to be sustainable by incorporating natural light, using energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, and adding indoor plants to improve air quality.

10. Continuous Improvement

Set measurable sustainability goals and regularly review your progress. Stay informed about new green technologies and practices, and be prepared to adapt and improve your strategies over time.

Lau points out, “As we face growing environmental challenges, businesses have a critical role in driving sustainable practices. Starting with a green approach not only helps the planet but also sets a positive precedent for your brand, attracting like-minded customers and partners.”

Every small step towards sustainability can lead to significant positive change. Make that change with your business today.