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Greater Manchester Police welcomes new officers to its ranks

Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is welcoming 125 new recruits to the force tonight (Monday 29 October).

From their previous backgrounds across the world of work, the new recruits will be bringing a variety of experiences and expertise to GMP.

The officers include 50 recruits that have been funded by an increase in the policing precept which was announced by the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, in January this year.

Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham proposed a rise in the police element of council tax to fund additional neighbourhood policing across Greater Manchester.

All the new recruits have experience, talent and a passion for policing communities in Greater Manchester. They also reflect the communities of Greater Manchester, which is something we are working hard to improve.

Officers are being officially sworn into their roles at a formal ceremony at Manchester Grammar School and will be affirmed by GMP Chief Constable Ian Hopkins.

New recruits all complete a two year probation period which includes classroom based learning and a year of active patrolling.

During this period, they have the same role as that of a regular officer, including the power of arrest.

Chief Constable Ian Hopkins said: “I am delighted to welcome the new officers to GMP. The 50 that have been funded through the precept increase are particularly welcome as this is the first time we have had a growth in officer numbers since 2010.