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“Delay of the US election result is a dilemma for the UK’s Brexit deal”

A legal challenge of the US election result means a dilemma for the UK Government in deciding on a UK/EU Brexit deal”, say leading tax and advisory firm Blick Rothenberg.

Alex Altmann a partner at the firm, who is also a Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Germany, said: “The negotiations with the EU are in the final round and a trade deal is close. The EU wants a deal to be agreed by 13 November to have enough time for the lengthy ratification process with their member states. The die has been cast and it is time to finalise the deal now.”

Altmann comments: “The prospect of a quick UK/US trade deal is in jeopardy now and does not help the UK’s negotiation position with the EU. The UK certainly lost some leverage with the unclear US election result. The prospect of a Biden White House is real, who wants to see the Irish Good Friday agreement protected by a Brexit deal before negotiating a UK/US trade deal. This will severely impact the UK government’s negotiating position.”

Altmann adds: “A Brexit deal announced next week would boost the rattled UK economy and might increase the chances of a swift US/UK trade deal in 2021. If the UK Government wants to avoid two “no-deals”, it needs to come to terms and finalise the negotiations with the EU now.”