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Coronation Street star Gareth Pierce supports The Big Help Out 2024 at the Age UK shop in Stockport

Coronation Street’s Gareth Pierce has turned his hand to volunteering at one of Age UK’s charity shops as part of The Big Help Out 2024, which encourages people to sign up and volunteer to help their local communities.

The Big Help Out, which is aligned with Volunteer’s Week, runs from Friday 7th to Sunday 9th June and aims to inspire people to help out and experience how rewarding volunteering can be and the power it has to make a change. Age UK is encouraging those who are interested in volunteering at Age UK to visit:

To support the initiative, Gareth, visited the nearby Age UK Stockport shop on Tuesday 4th June, where he was able to find out more about the Charity’s work and the volunteer roles available.

Upon walking through the door to start his ‘shift’, Gareth was immediately met by the excited team of staff and volunteers who were all keen to welcome him in and start showing him the ropes of what their day-to-day roles involve.

“I feel like maybe I was lulled into a false sense of security when they offered me a cuppa and we were all just having a chat in the back room! But they soon put me to work!”, Gareth joked afterwards.

He spent the morning learning from one of Age UK’s longest-serving shop staff as she expertly sorted through donation bags, as well as helping to restock the shop floor with new items and supporting volunteer and Corrie fan, Zoe, behind the till.

“I even got stuck in with some steaming and dressing one of the mannequins in the beautifully displayed windows”, Gareth says.

When asked about his day, Gareth said: “It’s been enlightening. Donations are always a key way to support Charities like Age UK, as you are quite literally putting resources in the expert’s hands – but giving your time really is invaluable.

“All the people I’ve met today are so passionate about what they do and the cause they are working towards. But volunteering also gives back – each of them are different ages, come from different backgrounds and have different stories. Yet, they all benefit from the structure, purpose, and sense of community that volunteering provides – and they feel all the better for knowing their work gives that to others as well.”

Zoe, who volunteers in the Age UK shop and met Gareth on his visit says; “I love volunteering in an Age UK shop – it’s great to know you are making a difference and giving something back. No two days are ever the same and as well doing a variety of different tasks, I meet new people every day. I have made good friends with both the shop team and people in the local community and would encourage anyone thinking of signing up to give volunteering a go.”

Age UK is reliant on the generous support of volunteers and without them could not be there for hundreds of thousands of older people across the country. Age UK volunteers help to raise much-needed funds to support the Charity’s work and provide vital support to older people, often at a time in their lives when they need help the most. To find out more and sign up to volunteering roles at Age UK visit: