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Check for dog walkers insurance or risk hefty costs

Check for dog walkers insurance or risk hefty costs

Dog owners have been urged to make sure anyone who takes their beloved pet for a walk is fully insured before they hand over the lead.

Insurance experts at Suited Insure are warning dog lovers across the UK they could end up facing hefty bills if their pooch is harmed under the care of an uninsured walker.

An estimated 13 million homes in Britain have a dog in their household, putting over 19% of Brits at risk of their dog being harmed, causing distress or injury to another person or going missing while on a walk.

This is why experts are calling for checks on all dog walkers to ensure they are covered by professional indemnity and public liability covers.

The pandemic saw an increase in the number of households buying and adopting dogs. With many of these workers now back in the office they are relying on family members, neighbours or other local dog walkers to care for their pooch during the day.

Trusting an uninsured family member or friend means the dog walker is unable to claim for financial compensation if a dog is lost, stolen, seriously injured or dies under the walker’s care.

This is why the experts at Suited Insure advise all dog owners to make sure their walker is insured before handing the responsibility of their pet over to them.

Jana Kejvalova, of Suited Insure said: “We are a nation of pet lovers, and once we open our homes to a four-legged friend, they quickly become an important member of the family.

“This is why it is so important to make sure you are covered if the worst were to happen while they were in the care of someone else.

“There are lots of things that can go wrong on dog walks, many out of the walker’s control. From serious injury to dog theft or in the worst case scenario, death.

“The dog walker could also be harmed by your dog in some incidents. Large breeds can be stronger than expected and if they become frightened or jumpy they could do some damage by pulling on the lead. Even the smallest dogs can cause harm from biting out of fear or concern.

“Although handing over the responsibility to a family member or friend may seem like a cheap and easy route to choose, their lack of small business insurance will cost you if anything were to go wrong.

“If a dog is stolen or sustains a serious injury from running off from the dog-walker and into a busy road, it will be you paying the cost for the hefty vet bills.”

Jana continues: “Every dog needs daily exercise to keep fit and healthy, but their lives shouldn’t be compromised by handing them over to people without the correct insurance.

“Hiring a professional can reduce the risks of accidents altogether, but if something does happen you will have the peace of mind you won’t be held responsible.

“This is why it is important to do your research and ask questions when searching for a dog walker, rather than handing them over to the care of someone close to you.

“Dogs are much-loved members of the family and the last thing anyone wants is to get the call that something terrible has happened to them on the walk.

“It’s devastating to lose a pet in any scenario, but especially while they were in the care of someone else and you’re left picking up the pieces paying thousands in vet costs.

“Nobody would leave their kids with someone they don’t know very well, so why put your dogs at the same risk?”

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