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Category Archives: News

New study to understand effect of COVID-19 on veterans

A new study to understand the effect of coronavirus on former service personnel is to be launched today, veterans minister Johnny Mercer has announced. The work is sponsored by the Office for Veterans’ Affairs (OVA) and will be undertaken by the world leading King’s Centre

Musclefood launch giant steak for Father’s Day

Online healthy food retailer is launching the supersized, 908g “Big Daddy” rump steak for customers seeking the ultimate steak experience this Father’s Day. This free-range mega steak is matured for 21 days before Musclefood’s pro butchers carefully trim it down to size, resulting in

Data charges removed for websites supporting victims of crime

The UK’s major telecoms companies have agreed their customers’ mobile phone data won’t be used up if they’re seeking information and support online. Zero-rating these websites is the latest in a series of commitments from the telecoms industry to support vulnerable people during the pandemic.

New police powers to tackle hostile state activity

Police at UK ports will be able to stop, question, search and detain individuals to determine whether they are a spy as part of a range of measures being put before Parliament today. The new Schedule 3 powers were introduced as part of the Counter-Terrorism