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£7 million for vulnerable pupils leaving Alternative Provision

More than 11,000 vulnerable young people to receive support to move into next stage of education or employment Teenagers in Alternative Provision at risk of falling out of education after their GCSEs will benefit from mentoring, pastoral support and careers guidance under plans to level

George Floyd remembered in Salford

Salford Civic Centre was lit purple, Sunday 31 May, to remember George Floyd and stand in solidarity with those protesting against racism and injustice across the world. George Floyd died at the hands of police on Monday 25 May after he was arrested outside a

More than £1million funding creates jobs and helps communities

More than £1million in funding from Magnox’s socio-economic scheme has benefited communities around the company’s 12 sites over the past year. Run in conjunction with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), the scheme was established to help build sustainable communities around its former nuclear power station sites across

Another leap forward in returning salmon to Yorkshire Dales

Seeing salmon leaping in the Yorkshire Dales is a step closer thanks to a major river restoration project tackling its next hurdle. The Developing the Natural Aire (DNAire) project will see fish passes installed at the last four major obstructions blocking access up the river