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A significant drop in demand for housing in 2021

House prices are up as are mortgages but next year will see a significant drop in the demand for housing, say leading tax and advisory form Blick Rothenberg. Heather Powell, Head of Property at the firm said: “ Home buyers need to ensure that they

Post-lockdown winter treatments to pre-book now

We may be in lockdown, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t support our local beauty clinic and book in a treatment for when the doors reopen. Here are the top winter treatments to try come December according to Glowday, a tech driven marketplace where

Funny Bingo Calls & Nicknames

One of the reasons why bingo has such an affectionate following is because of all of the quirky names that are associated with each number, which is a fun way of calling out each one and as such what players can identify with. A lot

REVEALED: THESE TV Shows Confuse Brits the Most

With a second lockdown underway, more and more Brits will be settling into their sofas for their next binge watch – and the one after that, too. But not every show leaves viewers with all questions answered. This led to put on their detective

The hunt is on for the worst Christmas Cracker Jokes!

Christmas wouldn’t be Christmas without some truly beloved traditions – like getting overstuffed on dinner with all the trimmings, jamming a novelty paper hat on your head, and enjoying a classic Christmas cracker, complete with some truly lame jokes. Corny Christmas cracker jokes might be