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Category Archives: News

Another leap forward in returning salmon to Yorkshire Dales

Seeing salmon leaping in the Yorkshire Dales is a step closer thanks to a major river restoration project tackling its next hurdle. The Developing the Natural Aire (DNAire) project will see fish passes installed at the last four major obstructions blocking access up the river

Findings reveal who is most vulnerable to COVID-19

New provisional data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) has revealed male security guards, chefs and taxi drivers are among those most likely to die from COVID-19. The stats, calculated by ONS and broken down by occupation, are based on coronavirus related deaths

Food for thought with ‘pandemic eating’ research

People’s eating habits during the pandemic are providing food for thought in a new piece of research, co-led by the University of Northampton. The ‘Food, Mood and You’ study is looking to survey people over the age of 18 each day for a single week

Manchester’s free digital library offer sees e-book lending boom

Loans of e-books and e-audiobooks in Manchester are booming, thanks to a free online service offered to the public by the city’s library service. Although libraries are temporarily closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, thousands of titles can still be accessed online, with e-books, audiobooks,