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Category Archives: News

New to home schooling? Here’s how

Thousands of parents have opted to educate their children at home since the first Covid lockdown. Covid fears have led to a huge rise in the number of parents taking their children out of school to be home educated. A survey of 151 local councils

Five ways to decorate your Christmas tree for free this year

Using fruit, fabric scraps, and utilising Facebook marketplace are all frugal ways for Brits to save money decorating their Christmas trees this year. Penny-pinching gurus from have revealed some inventive ways to decorate trees for free and bring the family together by creating and crafting


From tomorrow (Thursday 3rd December), M&S, the nation’s biggest lingerie retailer (selling 24 million bras a year) is launching a contact-free bra fit service at 64 of its biggest stores in England & Wales*. The contact-free offering will be run by M&S’s team of lingerie

10 Best Gifts for Teachers this Christmas

Being a teacher is always tough but 2020 has been many teachers’ most challenging year to ever. Whether you want to show your appreciation to your child’s teacher or treat the special teacher in your life, check out Becky Cranham’s pick of the top ten

Coinrule over-funding on Seedrs

Coinrule, the beginner-friendly and safe trading platform that enables users to automate their crypto investments across multiple platforms, is now overfunding on Seedrs. The company set out to raise £250k, but within a week was overfunding beyond their initial target. With just a few more

Inside Judith Burrows’ ltest installation

With ‘Uncertain States’ Judith Burrows presents a site specific installation comprising metal wall panels and sculptures, lithographs and paintings that challenge concepts of time and memory while embodying both age and agelessness. Lone figures in empty streets and deserted landscapes are a recurring motif in

The UK rediscovered: THESE were the top staycation spots of 2020

This year hasn’t all been doom and gloom, with new research1 showing the positive impact of lockdown on the UK travel industry. The research, conducted by, reveals the top staycation spots of 2020; whether holidaymakers had visited the location prior; if travel restrictions impacted their decision