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Category Archives: News

How can businesses embrace mindfulness in the new year?

January is typically the time to reassess and reset for the upcoming year, and after the turbulent year we’ve experienced, January 2021 should be a welcome new start. But with Christmas cancelled for many, and ongoing instability in the market from COVID and Brexit, many

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Brexit is “far from over”: WARNING TO INVESTORS

The Brexit deal gives a festive boost to stock markets and the British pound – but investors must expect months of volatility ahead, which could hit their finances. This is the warning from Nigel Green, CEO of deVere Group, one of the world’s largest independent

Keep moving this Christmas!

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip, written by Dr Helen Flaherty, Head of Health Promotion at Heart Research UK After sitting down to enjoy Christmas dinner, many of us head straight to the sofa to spend the remainder of Christmas Day watching TV, playing board

Study Shows 44% of Brits Spend 14 Days of their Life Watching Elf

The final countdown to Christmas has begun, and you all know what that means – Christmas films galore! Considering much of this festive season is likely to be spent on the couch, wanted to find out which Christmas films the nation is addicted to! OnBuy surveyed 4,248 participants