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Category Archives: Business

Nuclear industry donates £200,000 of lifesaving PPE to the NHS

Sellafield Ltd is providing 20,000 gowns to help Cumbria’s Coronavirus response. The company and its owner, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), have pledged £200,000 to purchase the kit for the county’s frontline NHS and social care staff. An estimated 5,000 gowns should be ready by

Funding supports community front line work

Magnox, working together with the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), has announced that it will provide £300,000 in funding to help support communities during the coronavirus pandemic. The 12 grants of £25,000 have each been offered to local authorities or charities where a Magnox site is

Absolute Antibody Wins Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade

Absolute Antibody Ltd., an industry-leading provider of recombinant antibody products and services, has received a Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade. The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are known as the most prestigious awards for UK businesses, recognizing and encouraging the outstanding achievements of innovative