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Category Archives: Business

48 hours to save the world

Climate action warriors from across the world have been given 48 hours to tackle one of the world’s biggest threats. The World Technology Universities Network (WTUN) is holding a Hackathon for students on 29 June. The network, which is hosted by the University of Bradford,

Heart Research UK Healthy Heart Tip – Keep hydrated!

14th to 20th June is Nutrition and Hydration week. Staying hydrated is important for keeping your heart and circulatory system healthy. Thirst often feels similar to hunger, so drinking plenty of fluid can prevent over-eating and weight-gain. We have some tips to help you stay

Access management failures are putting organizations at risk

A proper user management strategy can be the difference between protected data and exposed data. In the current climate, flexible remote work has become the norm — with that, the risk surrounding data integrity is rapidly increasing. The aforementioned risk isn’t subject to simply the