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Care homes or home-based care – which to choose?

Last spring the Coronavirus ripped through care homes with devastating consequences.

Efforts to protect residents included bans on visits and curtailing of group interaction, posing an extreme challenge for vulnerable people and their loved ones alike.

The perceived shortcomings of care homes might make home-based care seem an attractive option. Three experts in the field give their personal insights into some crucial issues surrounding social care.

London-based Steve O’Brien, 47, heads, a jobs marketplace that connects carers and employers directly for temporary shifts and care vacancies.

Steve said: “The past 18 months has ensured that care homes are now one of the safest places around when it comes to slowing the spread of disease.

“Home managers, care professionals, support staff and chefs have all learned to adapt and evolve with the disease, providing a safe and happy environment for residents.

“Providing care professionals for the sector, we must take this incredibly seriously!

“We constantly educate staff and clients to minimise cross-contamination from agency staff via internal training that updates with the guidance from the government and CQC (Care Quality Commission).

“Responsibility doesn’t stop with the care provider on this but to every single person involved in the care and support process.

“Never before has infection control been so important for the safety of care home residents and professionals.

“With over 110,000 vacancies in social care and low pay rates, ensuring a safe and happy working environment for staff is essenial to attract new and returning carers to the sector.”

Verity Batchelder’s Good Life Sorted provide local ‘helpers’ who are able to assist with daily tasks or simply drop by for a chat. Verity, 53 and from Hertfordshire, believes care should take place in the individual’s home for as long as possible.