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Britain dubbed a ‘nation of hoarders’ as 7 in 10 stockpile unnecessary items

Cleaning experts have dubbed Britain a ‘nation of hoarders’ following research revealing more than 70% of people have a stockpile of unnecessary items that could be thrown away or recycled.

The nationwide study1 from cleaning and laundry expert, Dr. Beckmann found around 30 million UK adults regularly keep hold of things they don’t really need, with the under-sink cleaning cupboard cited as ground zero for needless storing.

The problem is only amplified by a lack of space in UK homes, with 57% of people believing living spaces are getting smaller and 48% claiming they don’t have enough space in their home to store all their things.

And the nation’s storage woes are taking their toll on its relationships, as the data reveals the average UK couple has more than three arguments per year about where to keep things in their home.

As a result of the nation’s keenness for conserving, more than a quarter of people class themselves as self-confessed hoarders, defined as acquiring and keeping hold of an excessive number of items.

Cleaning products are one of the most popular items to store unnecessarily, with the average UK adult keeping 16 different items under the sink, which more than half of people (52%) admit is overloaded.

And shockingly, the average UK adult has at least one cleaning supply in their home that is more than four years old.

Aside from cleaning products, the top five items that Brits unnecessarily keep hold of are clothing (54%), books (47%), souvenirs/memorabilia (42%), CDs, DVDs and records (40%), and paperwork (38%).

According to the nationwide survey, the main reasons for keeping hold of things we don’t really need are for sentimental value or nostalgia reasons (54%), potential future use (50%), and fear of regret if thrown away (41%).

Meanwhile, more than four in ten people (41%) avoid getting rid of unnecessary items because they received them as a gift and would feel guilty about chucking them.

Dr. Beckmann has partnered with renowned TV declutter expert, influencer, and cleaning enthusiast, Iwan Carrington a.k.a Mr. Carrington, to give his top tips and advice on how Brits can not only save space in the home with household hacks, but also how they can get rid of the items they are unnecessarily hoarding.

Mr. Carrington, said: “When space is lacking in our home, we need to utilise every available storage area to help keep it clean and tidy. The cupboard under the kitchen sink is often one of the most used, and messiest spaces in our kitchen, which can be stressful when trying to clean!

“With some simple storage solutions, and multi-purpose space saving cleaning products like Dr. Beckmann’s Floor & Multi-surface Cleaning Sheets, we can all feel that bit more organised and actually find what we are looking for when we delve under the sink!”

Natasha Brook, Dr. Beckmann spokesperson, said: “As homes get smaller and more crowded, we’re not surprised to see that the country is struggling for space in their properties. We’re a nation of hoarders and we’re all guilty of holding on to things that we may no longer need or use for a while.

“We wanted to partner up with lifestyle and storage solution expert, Mr. Carrington, to provide advice and top tips to help the nation save space in their homes, so they can cleanse all the unnecessary items and supplies that they’re holding on to and no longer need.

“Here at Dr. Beckmann, we know how important it is to ensure the cleaning cupboard is stocked with essentials, but there are ways to freshen up and declutter the cupboard without losing those necessities.

“Our Magic Leaves technology is designed for modern homes – offering concentrated cleaning power in one sheet. Our newly launched Floor & Multi-surface Cleaning Sheets is a versatile product in the range that can adapt to your household needs, whether that’s mopping the floor or cleaning any surfaces in the home.

“This product is a great space saving solution, its super lightweight compact packaging means it can easily slot straight into the under-sink cupboard without taking up unnecessary space. Even better, cleaning sheets use 83% less plastic in its packaging than other widely used cleaning products of a comparable dosage.”

Dr. Beckmann’s Floor & Multi-surface Cleaning Sheets are suitable for all common surfaces and floors, except waxed or oiled. They come in two scents, Summer Lemon and Spring Fresh and can be used to clean everything from mirrors to stainless steel. The compact format means the product is easy to carry and store in the home, with the ultralight sheets acting as a powerful cleaning solution against dirt and grease – a new revolution in household cleaning.