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Blockchain Impact! As important as AI and as transformative as the Internet – blockchain gets demystified

With far-reaching applications, Blockchain Impact! is the must-read for all senior business execs, strategists and those keen to learn more about this new technology’s potential as a commercial game-changer.

Aiming to be the definitive myth buster on all things blockchain, the timing of this book couldn’t be more pertinent. Emerging from the ravages of the pandemic, many businesses find themselves in financial jeopardy whilst others are struggling to remain in business. Dr Christian de Vartavan’s comprehensive detailing of blockchain is the catalyst to unlocking the savings many companies need to be the difference between bankruptcy or thriving.

This publication is also a world first, with the editor having converted the entire contents of Blockchain Impact! into a ‘hash’ (one of the blocks in a long series of never-ending blocks which are stacked onto each other forever), readers are literally holding a block of blockchain as they read. The ‘hash’ is printed on the back cover, alongside the ISBN number and a QR code, instantly providing a relatable use case demonstrating how blockchain can be used in book publishing to protect intellectual property and royalties.

Intelligent and immersive, Dr de Vartavan’s Blockchain Impact! is a one-stop-guide to blockchain – its history, its diverse applications and its potential as the next world changing technology


Blockchain Impact! is an introduction to blockchain technology, bringing together an outstanding collection of case studies across several sectors. Fifteen global companies share their blockchain stories, demonstrating how it’s helping make their businesses more successful, more productive, and solving problems in areas as diverse as supply chain logistics, IP, data protection and climate change.

Blockchain is a commercial game changer for those who learn about this new technology. Businesses that adopt it achieve more for their companies or projects. From space satellites, supply chains and FinTech, to healthcare, climate action and education, blockchain is raising the bar for security, privacy, productivity, and innovation. Blockchain Impact! shows that its impact on our world is not only already economically and technologically transformative, but scarcely at the cusp of its potential.

Blockchain Impact! also presents a first hand account of how the blockchain technology was invented as its consultant editor is in direct contact with one of blockchain’s founding fathers.

Published by Projectis Publishing Blockchain Impact! is available to purchase (£25) at: