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beat the winter blues with Poke House’s new octopus bowl

A massive 1 in 3 Brits admit to having seasonal blues and with Winter weather appearing out of nowhere, it’s’ prime time to be feeling down.

To help bring the endless Cali sunshine to the UK, Poke House, Europe’s leading Poke restaurant brand has launched the UK’s first ever Octopus Poke bowl, Sea Kiss to help combat the grey and boost the mood of the Nation.

The carefully crafted bowl features nutritional ingredients including Octopus which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and is proven to help improve moods courtesy of their ability to interact with mood-related areas of the brain. In other words, it’s delicious and makes you happy – a no brainer!

The bowl is now available across all of Poke House’s London locations, let me know if you’d like to pop down and give it a try!