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air up: The Perfect Summer Essential

As the rainy weather takes a turn, the UK is finally experiencing warmer temperatures and set to face highs of 33 degrees next week. Whether working in the office or enjoying the nature around our local area, Brits will soon be searching for their summer must-have. Beyond picnic blankets and suncream, hydration essentials are guaranteed to be used all summertime long. A water bottle ensures that we have a constant supply of water at our fingertips, reducing the risk of dehydration and fatigue. air up®’s smart water bottle flavours our water using scent alone and provides a zero calorie and zero sugar way to drink 100% pure water – making it easier to stay hydrated and healthy this summer.

So how does air up work?

air up harnesses this clever bit of science by infusing flavoured air into every sip of water from the bottle. One of 28 different flavours will be added in bubbles every time you drink and it is this that will give your 100% pure water its flavour. Each pod contains natural flavourings and scents that infuse with ambient air to be added to the pure water, these flavours range from Lime and Orange-Passionfruit to Cola and Iced Coffee with ten others in between.

Who came up with this amazing idea?

The first prototype for air up was developed by Lena Jüngst and Tim Jäger in 2016 and spent three years in development, including a Master’s thesis on aromas, to combine innovative design and the neuroscience behind the idea and turn it into a real product. Since then, air up has successfully launched in Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and the Netherlands, with more than one million customers already. Now Lena and the team are bringing this innovative way to drink water to the UK.

Where can I buy one?

air up’s reusable water bottles are available from their website. Including one bottle and three scent pods, is priced at £29.99 to £34.99 depending on the colour of the bottle. Each additional pack of three pods (flavouring a minimum of 15 litres of water) then costs between £5.99 to £8.99, depending on the flavour.