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A new apprenticeship fund is to be launched to unlock new talent in Salford

A new apprenticeship fund is to be launched to unlock new talent and close the skills gap in Salford.

The Salford Skills For Business Apprenticeship Fund is believed to be the first public/private/third sector partnership of its kind which gifts on a city wide basis.

This trailblazing new fund will invest in apprenticeship training within small to medium sized organisations (under 250 employees) to help create more quality and sustainable apprenticeship roles for Salford residents.

The fund will also help existing employers close skills gaps in key sectors such as health and social care, digital, manufacturing and construction, hospitality, business and professional services.

Thanks to the introduction of the apprenticeship levy and associated reforms, organisations can now gift up to 25 per cent of its training levy to an unlimited number of employers.

Salford City Council and its partners, Apprenticeships at Salford City College, University of Salford, Bupa, Salix Homes and Seddon will be gifting up to £250,000 of apprenticeship training funding to small and medium sized organisations. The fund is expected to grow as more organisations confirm funding in the coming weeks and months.

The partnership has also secured a further £114,000 Greater Manchester Combined Authority funding to support a proportion of apprentices’ salary costs.

The new fund comes after the council’s Workforce Panel unanimously approved an Apprenticeship Strategy in January to boost talent in its organisation and in the city. This forms part of the council’s wider commitment to developing employment and skills for residents, as well as raising employment standards – the principles of which are outlined in the City Mayor’s charter.

The aim of the fund is to attract, develop and retain the best possible talent in the city by creating opportunities for people of all ages, to undertake relevant qualifications, helping to raise skills, capabilities and aspirations.